Posts Tagged ‘art for sale online’


Tips for artists: How to Sell Art?

   Posted by: admin    in Art Galleries

You gave the last finishing touch to your painting and it is all set to be sold. Selling artwork is as difficult as making it, yes, it’s true!

Marketing your talent is a way to offer an impression to the world about what your creative flair can accomplish. Hence, when you are out there (in the market) to sell your art, what’s your action plan? Do you think of it as a random affair? Because if you did, that’s not going to help you anyhow.

Quest to sell art

So, here are the tips that would help you before you get out there to sell your work online. Take a look:

The pricing

Probably the trickiest of all, it becomes simply impossible to decide on what price should be set for an artwork. No one can tell this. I cannot sit here in my room, in front of my PC and judge the hard work and time you have devoted in creating some artwork. It is almost impossible.

However, the brightest tip that I can offer you is that you should never undersell yourself. This doesn’t mean that you tag your first painting for a whopping million dollars, but price it reasonably.

There is a specific reason why I am saying this. If you are going to price your art piece less, the buyers are going to regard the piece correspondingly. As an art lover, I know, if I am purchasing a painting worth $40 and another one for $400, I am going to be more caring and considerate about the second one.

Also, you can offer some of your artworks as a gift, which ultimately cements your goodwill in the market.

So, as an artist, you should always make sure that you are pricing your hard work reasonably.

Match your skills

From the previous point, do not get the wrong impression. If you are an artist with 20 or 30 years of experience and charging your paintings worth $4000 or more, it does make sense. However, for the artists who have merely begun, pricing their paintings on the same scale doesn’t make sense. Why?

Because art-making is a continuous process of learning and improvement. The more time you will devote, the higher level of skills you will master. Artists who over promises the client have to experience disappointment when client disapproves their work. So, be honest with yourself and price your talent accordingly.

Agreement is important

The world is beautiful, people are not! Don’t get me wrong but as an artist, there will be incidents when the client will not pay you or will try to change the price after you finish the work. Hence, to avoid all such nuisance, make sure to prepare an agreement with your client in writing. This assures that no deviation will occur.

The next time you are on the quest to sell art, take care of these tips and you will be good to go! Thanks!

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The Realm of Online Art

   Posted by: admin    in Art News Updates

One prime outcome of the digital revolution is the internet which gave us a platform where anybody with a smart-phone from anywhere in the world can get connected to anyone. This revolutionary idea has had many beneficiaries in the whole wide spectrum of human endeavors ranging across numerous fields such as science, sociology, transportation to name a few and also art. Now we can take virtual tours of museums halfway across the globe and also buy and sell art and artifacts on the internet. The possibilities are immense and virtually infinite. This has helped numerous businesses to open-up e-stores where one can find a myriad of art for sale online. This has opened up the opportunity to choose from a plethora of art-pieces for art enthusiasts across the whole wide world.

Living God

The online art market has been growing exponentially year after year and in some cases with an unprecedented increase in annual growth which in-tern escalates the availability of art for sale online. The overall online sales worldwide in the year 2015 amounted to $3.27 billion and by the end of 2020, it is expected to grow by a degree of 3 as indicated by the art insurance company Hiscox. There is also the factor that a lot of the first-time buyer returns to buy more.

Traditionally art sales were organized by mammoth auction houses but there is an increase of fixed-price sales and buyers prefer to explore art for sale online with fixed price options, especially for the small and medium range of art-pieces. The reason behind might be that nobody wants to wait for the online auction to start or wait for the results. Another interesting fact to ponder about is that there is an increase in online traffic through smartphones and which proves that people are browsing on-the-go and the sales of small to mid-range art for sale online is soaring new heights.


There are various e-stores, both in the domestic and the international market that provide a wide range of art for sale online. These are numerous and together they support a huge collection of art and artifacts to choose from. There are stores with their own individualistic character such as those dealing with solely life-size photographs. There is one based in Los Angeles, California which is most probably the world’s largest online gallery. It has a wide range of collections with equal variations in price.

In the contemporary Indian realm of art for sale online there are a large number of galleries one can surf, many of which are capitalizing on their own particular niche. One particular brand from Pune focuses exclusively on hand-painted artworks and delivers to more than 150 countries worldwide. There is also an e-store which is a business venture of a frontline Indian news channel that also has an extensive inventory and exhibits certain prime pieces of Indian artwork.

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